
More than 30 solar projects in the works for Indiana company

An Indiana power company announced a plan to add more than 30 new solar generation systems to its service territory.Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) says its customers and developers plan to add the new solar generation systems under agreements filed by IPL with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) for approval.These projects will increase the total solar power under contract by IPL to almost 100 megawatts.Proposed projects range from as small as a pair of 20-kilowatt projects at Maple Creek Village Apartments on the Near Westside to as large as two 10 megawatts (each) arrays at the Indianapolis International Airport. If all the projects are completed, IPL will likely rank first in the central region for solar generation.
"Solar generation is an important part of IPL's commitment to developing renewable generating resources," IPL President and CEO Ken Zagzebski said. "We have increased our renewable resources portfolio, ranking eighth in the U.S. in available wind-capacity on a per customer basis, and we look forward to this possible significant increase in solar generation."If all of these projects are completed as planned, they are projected to bring $300 million of direct investment to the Indianapolis area along with IPL's renewable generation portfolio.IPL customers already own or host 2.1 megawatts of solar generation through projects completed with eight commercial and industrial customers in its service territory. These projects, as well as the proposed new projects are all part of IPL's 3-year Rate Renewable Energy Production pilot program, which is now closed to new participants.
"People have tried to do similar work but the problem has always been that the metal they use also absorbs some light and doesn't contribute to the photocurrent — so it's just lost light." More work needs to be done, she adds. "We want to achieve more optimization, and we're also interested in looking at cheaper metals to build a better cell. We'd also like to better target where photons are absorbed in the cell — this is important to photovoltaics, because you want to absorb as many photons as you can as close to the charge-collecting electrode as you possibly can."


New meters for consumers opting for rooftop solar power units

The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (Tangedco) will have to install fresh meters for domestic consumers who opt for rooftop solar power units.Giving this direction, the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC), in its order a few days ago, stated that these meters would replace the existing ones used by such consumers. Their cost would be recovered from the consumers. The Corporation had been directed to submit a detailed procedure, covering a host of issues such as standards and location of meters, tariff for excess generation or lapsed units and period of power credit, to the Commission within 30 days.
The order follows the formulation of the Best Custom Solar laptop charger by the State government.As part of the policy, the consumers would be offered a generation based incentive (GBI) of Rs. 2 per unit for the first two years; Re 1 per unit for next two years and 50 paise per unit for the subsequent 2 years.This would apply to all solar power units or solar-wind hybrid rooftop installations set up before March 31, 2014.Out of 3,000 megawatt (MW) expected to be added through solar power by 2015, roof-top installations account for 350 MW, of which 50 MW will be from domestic consumers, says the Policy document.As the policy has prescribed solar purchase obligation (SPO) for commercial establishments of low-tension category and high-tension consumers including special economic zones and information technology parks, the order states that in the event of any of these consumers not complying with the SPO norms, a fee, called "forbearance price," will have to be paid by defaulters to the China Motion Sensor Lights Exporters, which is the administrator of the SPO.
The details of the price are expected to be spelt out later.As on January 31 this year, solar power plants in general account for seven MW of the State's installed capacity of 7,866 MW through renewable energy.The break-up of the installed capacity of renewable energy units is: wind – 7,115 MW; cogeneration plants of sugar mills – 576 MW and biomass power plants – 168 MW. The installed capacity of plants, using conventional sources of energy, is 10,722.5 MW.Through another order, the Commission notified regulations on demand side management (DSM), according to which distribution licensee would have to constitute DSM cell at its head office and sub-cell in each region.


How to Reuse Solar Lights

String lights also come solar powered and are useful for lining low furniture so no one trips over it. Produce a space in which you can see the faces of your guests or even read a book with strategically placed accent lights.ecycling broken or unneeded solar lights provides the safest and easiest method of reuse and could earn you a discount or coupon on a future purchase. The recycling company separates the components and disposes of the potentially hazardous materials used in construction of the solar light's interior electronics. It re-purposes the parts it can.
Contact the manufacturer of your solar lights. Many manufacturers provide a recycling or take-back program. If the company provides a program, obtain the address where the lights can be sent.Contact a non-profit such as Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition for a list of third-party recyclers and their addresses, if the manufacturer does not provide a recycling program. Check the local phone book. Some solar stores provide a recycling program.Package the lights according to the recyclers' directions.Ship the lights or, in the case of a local company, drop them off.Test the LED. Connect the LED's anode (positive wire) to a variable voltage power supply's positive output (set to 2 to 3 volts) through a 330 ohm resistor using small alligator clip jumper cables. Then connect the cathode (negative) to the power supply's ground terminal (negative). Power on the power supply and watch for lighting of the LED. If the LED lights up then it works. If it doesn't light up, check the connections or try a slightly higher voltage. If it still doesn't light, then it is probably bad. Throw it away now to avoid it winding up in the component junk box where it might be used later, only to find it still doesn't work.
Charging solar lights takes patience on the part of the homeowner. According to the Gardener's Supply Company, "solar lights have a solar panel that converts sunlight into electrical current. The electrical current charges the re-chargeable batteries that operate the solar light." Solar lights are far more convenient than low voltage lighting, there are no wires to run and installation is a breeze. After you charge solar lights, you can place them in any location and move them if necessary.


Coimbatore to go all out to tap solar energy

The rooftops of all establishments in Coimbatore Corporation limits will soon turn energy generation stations with the civic body planning to install solar panels. The civic body in a recent resolution said that based on a Government Order from the Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department, the civic body proposed to install solar panels on the terrace of all its establishments.The Order says: "The Urban Local Bodies have buildings constructed and maintained by them. The energisation of these buildings using solar energy has to be expedited. Solar rooftops should be provided in the buildings as per the specifications and advice provided by the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency."The order was based on the Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy, 2012. The Corporation resolution said that Best Custom Solar laptop charger would meet the expenditure required for the purpose from its General Fund.
According to Deputy Commissioner S. Sivarasu this was just one of the measures the Corporation had planned under the renewable energy project. The Corporation had prepared a comprehensive plan for renewable energy intervention in various sectors.The total investment planned for the intervention was Rs. 1,329.17 lakh for a period of five years. The State Government or the local body concerned would contribute 14 per cent of the cost, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 24 per cent and the rest would by the user or beneficiary.Mr. Sivarasu said that the Corporation, as part of the project, would also establish a Solar City Cell to create awareness and publicise the benefits of switching over to solar energy. This would be at Rs. 48.30 lakh.
Under the pilot project, the Corporation had planned interventions at various sectors. It had planned to give China Motion Sensor Lights Exporters for traders in markets, hawkers so as to replace their kerosene lamps. Similarly in the residential sector, the civic body would encourage photovoltaic system for home invertors, photovoltaic system to replace generators at houses, solar water heating systems and photovoltaic power plants for residential apartment complexes.In the commercial and institutional sector, the Corporation would attempt to introduce community solar cooker for mid-day meals at its schools, solar water heater for hospitals, biogas system for restaurants, solar water heater for restaurants and photovoltaic system for education institutions.