
How to Make a Custom Tattoo Design Stencil

  Unlike before, when not many people had tattoos, today, tattoos serve as a fashion statement for the younger generation. Tattoos have become part of a lifestyle, in which some people like to show what they call their eccentricity to the world, which is why custom tattoo design has become the vogue. Custom tattoo designs are very much different from traditional designs with their uniqueness and significance to the owner. All the tattoo fanatics, tattoo hobbyists as well as neophytes, in the tattoo art world have images in their minds suitable for tattoo designs. Sometimes these ideas overlap, so, using this overlap, a really original design can be realized. Before you decide to have your drawing inked on your skin, you should make a custom tattoo design stencil. Tattoo stencils are the ones placed onto your skin as a guide for applying tattoos. So, it serves as a preview of the actual tattoo. Not only tattoo artists can make tattoo design stencils; you could also make your own. All you need is to be creative.
   What is so good about this is you have the liberty to create the image that you want. Before you start sketching, you should decide on the theme of your image and choose something that has meaning in your life. Remember, tattoos last your whole lifetime, and you do not want to have something that would remind you of a bad decision. Here are some simple guidelines to follow about how to make a custom design stencil. 1. Draw. Draw your desired tattoo design on a blank sheet of white paper. If you have no idea about style and theme, you can search online and check out various designs. Use a regular pencil to do your drawing, so you can erase any mistakes. 2. Scaling. A tattoo design is not simply drawing lines; you should understand each intricate detail of your design. Take your time to carefully construct every line and detail. Creating balance in your design is important. 3. Transferring. You need carbon paper and stencil paper and some pencils or markers of different sizes. Place your drawing on top of the carbon paper; it should be ink side down on the stencil paper. Then, carefully trace over the pencil lines with a marker, putting pressure so as not to miss any line or detail.


Energy Saving Tips Insulation

  There are plenty of ways that you can save energy around your home, and it's important that you do. First and foremost this is of course important for the environment, and simply by turning your light off a bit sooner when you don't need it you will be able to help save the planet. Each time you use any energy in your home you see it comes from a power plant somewhere in the area and this means that fossil fuels are burned. These fossil fuels are made from ancient carbon that still contains energy and this means that it will release carbon emissions when burned. Those carbon emissions then increase the thickness of the atmosphere and in turn this then locks the heat from the sun in so that it can get in to warm up the planet but not get out again afterwards. It's very important that this doesn't happen because as the overall temperature of the planet increases it is melting our icecaps, submerging land underwater, causing unpredictable weather and killing many species of wildlife. Eventually the planet will become uninhabitable if we continue.
  The other reason it's so important to save energy is of course for your own energy bill, and if you don't want to pay through the nose come the end of the year then you need to make sure that you aren't wasting energy unnecessarily - you can probably stand to save hundreds if you are smart as a household. So how do you do this? Well there are many ways, and not all of them mean living without energy like you were back in the stone age. One simple change you can make for instance is to simply insulate your home better and this will then help you to avoid cold and damp from setting in and thereby reduce the amount of heating you need to use. The first way to do this is simply by getting insulation in your building. This means getting insulation bats in your loft for instance and it means getting insulation in your wall cavities. By doing these things you can trap more warm air into your home and so use less heating. Likewise you also need to make sure that your windows and doors are sealed and trapping in as much heat as possible. Most important of all is to use double glazing which is basically any window that is made from two sheet of glass with an empty space in between for air. T


Tightening Treatments Following Weight Loss

   Sometimes people pay too much attention to losing weight that they would give everything to get rid of the excess fat in their bodies without thinking about the possible consequences. Those who have gone through rapid weight loss, for example, can attest that their work hasn't ended with gaining a very slim and trim physique. They also have to deal with loose and sagging skin since this is a very natural after-effect of rapid weight loss.  The obvious choice is to just go to a plastic surgeon and go through surgical skin tightening procedures, but unfortunately, not everyone has the funds or the courage to go under the knife. At this point in time, majority will surely prefer to try non-surgical methods first before spending a fortune to let plastic surgeons cut them open.  Let us be clear though that when we say non-surgical, we mean non-invasive. The following treatments are still classified under plastic surgery and may only be performed by licensed plastic surgeons in a hospital or an accredited skin centre.
Laser treatment is probably the most preferred non-surgical skin tightening treatment for skin tightening. The carbon dioxide is used to dissolve and smoothen very deep wrinkles in the skin. This means though that CO2 Laser is ideal for locations in the skin where the loosening and wrinkling is not very severe. If attempted on locations where the sagging is more pronounced, you will just be disappointed by the results no matter how many sessions you hold. This procedure uses ultrasound technology, which means it can penetrate deep into the skin and begin its tightening/restructuring magic from the very base. The deep-skin layer is heated to hasten collagen production, which is instrumental for the recovery of the skin's natural elasticity. This is also highly recommended by plastic surgeons, especially for women who want to do something akin to a face lift. Monopolar radio frequency is used to tighten the skin. According to testimonies, the results are excellent because everything looks natural, not obviously tightened like a stretched plastic sheet. 


Top Flange Hanger With Strengthening Embossment

  Structural connector for connecting first and second structural members has a substantially planar first flange and an embossment in the first flange, and the embossment in the first flange is formed with first and second sections. The first section generally extending uniformly to a first level above the top surface of the substantially planar first flange, that is different from a level to which the second section generally uniformly extends, the first and second sections being joined to each other at a distinct transition portion where the embossment sharply descends from the level of the first section to the level of the second section. The structural connector can be made with a bend that forms a first member adjacent the first flange and the embossment can extend through the bend into the first member. The structural connector of the present invention has particular application in the field of structural hangers where an elongated, generally horizontally disposed structural member is hung from a supporting structure, both being part of thestructural frame of a building.
  In light frame construction, it is common to hang the joists supporting the floors of the building from horizontally disposed members often called headers, beams or ledgers. The joists can be supported by hangers which are attached to theheaders, beams or ledgers. One type of hanger used is called a top flange hanger. A top flange hanger has a portion or member that rests on the top surface of the supporting structure, increasing the strength of the connection. Unfortunately, the presence of the top flange can interfere with the setting of the sub-flooring members on top of the joists and the headers and ledgers. The top flanges create an unevenness in the surface upon which the sub-flooring isinstalled. Preferably, the flat top surfaces of the joists, headers and ledgers will all be uniformly level and set at the same elevation, once the members are set in place, although deviations are often made to allow for shrinkage of members made from woodor having wood sub-components.


Rust Proofing Techniques For Steel Tanks

  High durability, low cost, ease of construction and ample amount of availability has made steel a perfect choice for the fabrication of Steel tanks despite of its rusting phenomenon. Of course rusting is one of the common problematic features of steel. But still you may wonder why steel stands out of the rest as a top choice for making steel tanks. The real fact is that though materials like fiberglass, polypropylene, aluminum and stainless steel do not have rusting problems they do have their own problems on chemical grounds because if we take aluminum it is relatively weak whereas stainless steel and polypropylene needs special fabrication techniques. Rusting can be controlled by coating the inner surface of the steel tank with corrosion resistant substances. Adding rust inhibiting chemicals or adding sacrificial anode can reduce the rusting effect over the steel tanks. Cold Galvanizing compounds always offers better degree of rust protection. The compounds used for galvanizing seals the steel tank both physically and chemically from moisture thereby reducing the effect of rusting. At the same time, galvanizing compounds and paints are not the same.
  Usually the composition of galvanizing compounds comprises of ninety five percent zinc and five percent liquid binders. The mechanism of galvanization works on the principle that whenever a galvanized surface gets scratched, the unbounded and pure zinc available compound forms a galvanic cell with the iron or steel thus forming a new compound called Zinc Oxide which acts as a protective coat against rusting. However, many of the galvanization compounds are not compatible with wetting agents, retardants and foams. Interior tank coating is the preferred method of rust protection. The steel that is used for tank fabrication should have at least 1/8 inches of thickness. There may be some cases where the tanks are left untreated without any coatings for economical reasons. In such situations there are more chances for the tanks to undergo rusting if it is made up of mild steel like weaker materials. On the other hand, there is a new type of steel introduced in market termed as pickled, hot-rolled and oil treated steel. The specialty of this type of steel is that they are already subjected to rust and scale removal treatments like phosphatizing process otherwise called as phosphoric acid bath which makes them perfectly clean by default. Speaking about the corrosion resistance parameter, Carbon steel is probably the most successful material of construction ever developed.


Different Types of Stability Chambers And Their Usage

  Stability chambers are enclosures that are used to test drugs, vaccines and other products in order to determine constancy, stability and their shelf life. These chambers are used extensively in pharmaceutical industries, agriculture industries and other research organizations. These enclosures are used to check humidity and temperature ranges and besides this, even if there is a minute defect, these enclosures are even capable of determining that defect. These chambers are double walled convection heated units, where in the outer body is made of thick PRPC sheet and the inner chamber is made of heavy gauge stainless sheet of SS-304 grade or anodized aluminum. The gap between the inner and outer wall is filled with high grade mineral glass wool, which in a way makes sure that maximum amount of thermal efficiency is attained. They are also incorporated with programmable alarms and a display screen that that allows constant monitoring of the device for any fluctuations in the temperature or other parameters. These enclosures are energy efficient, extremely reliable, have a sturdy construction and include corrosion resistant interior and exteriors.
  Stability chambers are available in both standardized and customized models that are designed as per the requirements of the industry. A part from stability chambers we are even leading manufacturers of photo stability test room across India and abroad. These chambers use UV and light that is visible, to check the stability of a product. The temperature range inside photo stability chamber is controlled and maintained by programmable temperature controller and indicator. As per the requirements of different industries, these chambers can be incorporated with audio visual alarm, keyed alarm silence switch, door buzzer alarm, power failure alarm; R.F based remote alarm system, serial thermal printing facility and many more. The construction of these chambers is somewhat similar to that stability chambers. A part from stability and photo stability chambers seed germinators are another category of test chambers that are used broadly in tissue culture, agriculture industries and several research organizations. The basic use of these seed germinators is to regulate and maintain environmental conditions of temperature illumination and humidity that helps to uphold an appropriate environment for growth and germination of seeds.


Method For a Metal Stamping

  Black corrosion resistant coating composition which is applied to a metal stamping as a wet film and heated to dry and initiate curing to provide a protective coating tenaciously bonded to the substrate. The composition has a corrosion inhibiting powdered metal, a black pigment of manganese dioxide and a primary bonding titanate polymer which when heated, undergoes a hydrolysis reaction producing an inorganic titanium dioxide bonding of the coating to the substrate. Improved film integrity and adhesion of the wet coating prior to the hydrolysis reaction is provided by a secondary organic resin. Preferably the coating composition also has thixotropic, metal suspension and hygroscopic agents. All the constituents are dispersed in a vehicle of active and inactive solvents. Many processes and coatings have been developed for protecting metal stampings, and particularly plain carbon steel substrates, from both direct and electrochemical corrosion.This coating has a corrosion inhibiting finely powdered metal dispersed in a phenoxy resin organic bonding material and avehicle of solvents. In this coating powdered zinc, cadmium, stainless steel and aluminum are all suitable corrosion inhibitors although zinc is preferred for steel substrates. Corrosion resistant coatings are used in a variety of applications, many of which require specific colorings.
   While pigments are readily available for most colors, a satisfactory black corrosion resistant coating previously has not beenproduced. The two pigments often used to produce a black color, carbon black and iron oxide, increase the rate of oxidation and galvanic action of the powdered metal, thereby destroying corrosion resistance, and hence require an overlay of oil to retardthis oxidation and galvanic action. In many applications, such as on the underside of automobiles, this oil overlay is quickly washed or worn off which destroys the corrosion resistance of the black coating. In the black coating of this invention a pigment of manganese dioxide and a primary corrosion inhibitor of finely divided metal are dispersed in a primary bonding material of a titanate resin and a vehicle of solvents. Preferably, the coating isadhered to a metal stamping by a secondary resin until the primary resin is cured to bond the coating to the substrate. Preferably, in the coating a thin and uniform film is produced on a substrate by including a thixotropic agent, premature curing ofthe primary bonding material is prevented by a hygroscopic agent, and the finely divided metal is prevented from settling out by a suspension agent. Objects, features and advantages of this invention are to provide a corrosion resistant coating and method which has a black color, improved corrosion resistance, improved adhesion to a metal stamping, improved abrasion resistance, permitscoated substrates to be welded together, can be readily, easily and economically applied in one coat, readily and easily cured at a relatively low elevated temperature in a relatively short period of time, and is rugged, durable, economical and has a lowcoefficient of friction. 10:13 2013-7-8


Dairy Incubator Used As An Essential Equipment In Research

   Incubators are equipment's that are used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures or cell cultures. Thus we can say that an incubator is essential for all laboratories that are involved in biomedical and biological research. These are extensively used in the fields of medicine, biology, pharmacy and environmental protection.  There are many applications in which incubator shakers are used. For instance, hybridization, germ culture, research of bio chemical reactions, enzyme and cellular tissues. Besides these, the most common application of these incubators is growth of bacterial culture. These are often used for cell culturing, cell assertion, and in solubility studies.  This equipment's are specifically designed to provide uniform controlled conditions. There are microprocessors integrated in them that help them to provide uniform conditions. They can even accommodate different range of test tubes, flasks, and glass ware. They can also be typically used for used with micro plates and micro tubes. The temperature can also be monitored with the display feature.  There are some incubators that are even integrated with the most developed and advanced technology. Features such as multiple parameter changes which include temperature, speed, photosynthetic lights, and UV decontamination are incorporated in these incubator shakers.
    All the programs stated above can be changed on timely basis, making them suitable as per the required conditions.  Apart from them there are dairy incubators that are used in poultry that act as a substitute for hens. This increases the hatch rate because of the ability to control and maintain both temperature and humidity conditions. These units maintain optimal temperature, humidity and other such conditions like carbon dioxide and oxygen content that is required.  There are also other types of incubators that are essentially ideal for enzyme reactions, such as proteinase K digestion. This method allows the researches to further simplify the pre -DNA extraction process by preparing the samples and then putting those samples into the tube directly onto the DNA extraction system.  This instrument is regarded as essential equipment in every research and development organisation. This is because these instruments are durable, reliable, eco-friendly, easy to operate and many more. Not only this, these have a sturdy construction in which they have double walled convection heated units. The outer body is made of thick PRPC sheet duly pre-treated with primers and rust proofing and painted with long lasting stove enamel or are elegantly power coated. There is a gap between these two, and the gap has been filled with high grade minimal glass wool that ensures maximum thermal efficiency.


Top Flange Hanger With Strengthening Embossment

  Structural connector for connecting first and second structural members has a substantially planar first flange and an embossment in the first flange, and the embossment in the first flange is formed with first and second sections. The first section generally extending uniformly to a first level above the top surface of the substantially planar first flange, that is different from a level to which the second section generally uniformly extends, the first and second sections being joined to each other at a distinct transition portion where the embossment sharply descends from the level of the first section to the level of the second section. The structural connector can be made with a bend that forms a first member adjacent the first flange and the embossment can extend through the bend into the first member. The structural connector of the present invention has particular application in the field of structural hangers where an elongated, generally horizontally disposed structural member is hung from a supporting structure, both being part of thestructural frame of a building. In light frame construction, it is common to hang the joists supporting the floors of the building from horizontally disposed members often called headers, beams or ledgers.
  The joists can be supported by hangers which are attached to theheaders, beams or ledgers. One type of hanger used is called a top flange hanger. A top flange hanger has a portion or member that rests on the top surface of the supporting structure, increasing the strength of the connection. Unfortunately, the presence of the top flange can interfere with the setting of the sub-flooring members on top of the joists and the headers and ledgers. The top flanges create an unevenness in the surface upon which the sub-flooring isinstalled. Preferably, the flat top surfaces of the joists, headers and ledgers will all be uniformly level and set at the same elevation, once the members are set in place, although deviations are often made to allow for shrinkage of members made from woodor having wood sub-components. Also, preferably, the sub-flooring used is made up of large sheets of relatively thin planar material, such as plywood or oriented strand board, that can be laid down on the level top surfaces of the headers and ledgersresulting in a uniformly flat surface for laying down the flooring. Thus, it is desirable to minimize the thickness of any members, such as fasteners, fastener heads or hanger components that will project above the level of the top surfaces of the ledges, headers and joists.


Rust Proofing Techniques For Steel Tanks

  High durability, low cost, ease of construction and ample amount of availability has made steel a perfect choice for the fabrication of Steel tanks despite of its rusting phenomenon. Of course rusting is one of the common problematic features of steel. But still you may wonder why steel stands out of the rest as a top choice for making steel tanks. The real fact is that though materials like fiberglass, polypropylene, aluminum and stainless steel do not have rusting problems they do have their own problems on chemical grounds because if we take aluminum it is relatively weak whereas stainless steel and polypropylene needs special fabrication techniques. Rusting can be controlled by coating the inner surface of the steel tank with corrosion resistant substances. Adding rust inhibiting chemicals or adding sacrificial anode can reduce the rusting effect over the steel tanks. Cold Galvanizing compounds always offers better degree of rust protection. The compounds used for galvanizing seals the steel tank both physically and chemically from moisture thereby reducing the effect of rusting. At the same time, galvanizing compounds and paints are not the same. Usually the composition of galvanizing compounds comprises of ninety five percent zinc and five percent liquid binders.
  The mechanism of galvanization works on the principle that whenever a galvanized surface gets scratched, the unbounded and pure zinc available compound forms a galvanic cell with the iron or steel thus forming a new compound called Zinc Oxide which acts as a protective coat against rusting. However, many of the galvanization compounds are not compatible with wetting agents, retardants and foams. Interior tank coating is the preferred method of rust protection. In such situations there are more chances for the tanks to undergo rusting if it is made up of mild steel like weaker materials. On the other hand, there is a new type of steel introduced in market termed as pickled, hot-rolled and oil treated steel. The specialty of this type of steel is that they are already subjected to rust and scale removal treatments like phosphatizing process otherwise called as phosphoric acid bath which makes them perfectly clean by default. Speaking about the corrosion resistance parameter, Carbon steel is probably the most successful material of construction ever developed. It is advisable for many reasons especially for carrying out a design, any doubts arise about the long-term adequacy of any particular size or thickness is a reasonably cost effective option.