
Change over and save big with LED lighting

AS too good to be true as it sounds a LED light bulb only costs $20 and can be used eight hours a day and last up to 15 years.This is the simple energy-saving tip that OZ3LED director Stan Timms wants to get out into the community as carbon tax takes hold on Sunday."You are basically saving about 80 per cent of the amount of power that you are using on each bulb," he said. "So really, it's silly not to change over because they pay for themselves over a year - it's a no-brainer."Mr Timms said LED lighting had become more efficient and cheaper in the past decade."We know what they are worth and the big players are not releasing that realistic pricing because they have got a stock of stuff that they want to get rid of and they know Solar bag is the future," he said.
He said the word was getting out there and would continue to do so when electricity bills rose and people were unaware of the government rebate.
"All of the electricians I'm talking to now, are talking people into it," he said. "We are just putting an option there for them and business is starting to pick up now as people are now getting on to it."Located in central-east Santa Catarina State, Florianopolis is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and boasts more than 100 beaches. Most of the city (97.23%) is on Santa Catarina Island, known as the Magic Island. According to the 2010 IBGE Census, Florianopolis has a population of 421,000. It ranks as one of the world's leading tourism destinations, known for the seashore at Canasvieiras, popular among Argentines and Uruguayans; the glamor of Jurerê Internacional; the famous Cost?o do Santinho resort; and surfing and hipster meccas such as Joaquina and Praia Mole.
SQE LUZ operates public lighting systems for the largest cities in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, among them Florianópolis, Joinville, Sao José and Sao Francisco do Sul. Its highly qualified technical team uses programs and technology designed especially for public lighting by Arcadis Logos S.A., a world-renowned engineering company. Its public lighting services range from a toll-free customer service number and website to control of energy costs, geo-referenced registration of the public lighting system, planning, maintenance and projects using the most modern public lighting technologies to ensure excellent service under municipal control and oversight.

