
A Saltwater LED Lantern Shines

Keeping track of the news concerning science and technology is always exciting because you'll never know what will catch your eye next. When something catches my eye, the knowledge that something interesting and/or helpful can already be done or be done in the near future is always a thrill.While all the news about high tech processes and engineering can be exciting, the idea of something simple doing interesting things catches my eye even more. As I have mentioned before, simple solutions to the world's problems are always interesting.It's a fact that there are areas in the world that do not have access to electricity. This is especially true in developing countries like our own Best Custom Solar bag. One of the things we probably take for granted while living in the city is access to the kind of electrical lighting that we have, something that these areas would love to have but do not. The answer might be a simple electric lantern that doesn't run on batteries but something a lot simpler.
The company Green House Co. Ltd. developed an LED lighting system called the GH-LED10WBW LED Lantern. The interesting part is that runs on nothing but water and salt. The saline water is placed inside a special mixing bag and acts like the electrolyte while a magnesium rod and a carbon rod act like the cathode (negative electrode) and anode (positive electrode), respectively, in this makeshift wet battery. According to instructions provided by the company, 350 cc of water should be mixed with 16 grams of salt. Perhaps the system could run on other saline liquids like actual seawater or even urine? Unfortunately, it's not clear whether either of those would actually work because I can think of instances where seawater or urine might be used instead of directed solution.
This setup generates 1.5 volts of direct current power to run the 10 LED white lights, producing 55 lumens of light that can run for 8 hours until the saline solution needs to be replaced. The magnesium rod can last for 120 hours before it gets consumed by the Best Custom Remote Controlled LED that happens to generate the electricity and needs to be replaced. If a lantern that runs on salt and water isn't good enough for you, this device also includes a USB port that you can use to charge or power devices you might need at 4.5 volts.I was thinking that this device could also come in handy when faced with natural calamities or other instances when power is not available and emergency lighting is needed. This device can not only help in providing emergency lighting in affected areas but can also be used to power or charge important devices like cell phones and others needed to coordinate relief or rescue operations. On a lighter note, I think this lantern could also be helpful to bring along on camping trips especially because it's both a light source and a charging station.

