
Solar cells provide mobile electrical power for defense and commercial applications

MGLTs revolutionary thin-film solar panels capture a larger section of the light spectrum from the sun using relatively inexpensive materials like flexible substrates and various coatings. Perhaps this is one of several reasons why MGLT has a long and prosperous history of collaborating with the federal government. Earlier this month, MGLT received a $750,000 Phase II award from the United States Air Force as part of the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. The goal of this two-year program is to develop ultra-high efficiency, thin-film solar cells that provide mobile electrical power for defense and commercial applications in space as well as on the ground. The work on this contract complements the work on high-efficiency solar cells previously funded by the Air Force and announced in November 2011.
Dr. Ashok K. Sood, President and CEO of Best Custom Solar laptop charger, stated, "We are working to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic devices via novel materials combined with innovative device designs. Quantum dot structures with excellent structural and optical properties were demonstrated during the Phase I program and are intended to be incorporated into advanced photovoltaic devices during the Phase II effort. These structures have the potential to enable photovoltaic devices to reach new levels of performance for power output efficiency."Current approaches are reaching practical limits due to the complex design and hefty cost of multi-junction solar devices. With that shot in the proverbial arm from the U.S. Air Force, MGLTs developing nanostructured solar cells have the potential to deliver ultra-high efficiencies in single-junction devices -- efficiencies that can potentially approach 50 percent in un-concentrated sunlight. This would mean a less complex, more efficient and ultimately cheaper source of energy for China Remote Controlled LED Offers.
"This means devotion to solar with heart and soul, providing assurance for solar energy technology and being able to lead others in offering the most satisfying service to customers in the market. Katavi district council can testify this," says Mmasi. In Mpanda alone, says Mmasi, his company has already provided 98 kilowatt hour power in different schools, dispensaries and in some residential houses.Under a new agreement to be signed soon between Katavi District Council and Baraka Solar specialist, more schools and council's offices will be installed with solar power. Called Service Level/ Warrant Agreement, Baraka Solar specialist is set to take care of all solar panels installed in that place. That will be a 20-year agreement after the phase one agreement that was aimed at installation.

