
Solar panel tree installations at California General Motors dealership

According to Solar Love, it reported on Dec. 1, 2012, that Envision Solar will install its first solar panel tree technology at a GM dealership in California.GM promotes its own renewable energy program in order to tone down the impression made with its own carbon footprint while maintaining a positive public image.Also, Envision Solar, the company that's installing the solar trees, will be further updating its product to make it be more easily installed. That being said, there will be no dealing with long delays in construction nor interruptions to the services where the solar equipment is being China Solar Light Offers. A typical installation of solar trees in even a complex environment can take just over four days.
Solar trees by definition are decorative means by which to provide solar power to an environment, but also have a functional and aesthetic appeal. So not only it's good as a sustainable source, but also as a sustainable design as well. Some actually appear like trees in the fact they can also serve as street lamps. It's laid out with a staggered, multiple-panel design.Envision Solar array products are ideal for a distinguished piece of property. The features the ability it provides like creating shade for vehicles, bringing down the carbon footprint while producing renewable energy, and moving forward the infrastructure for electric vehicles. "Additionally there is an accelerated depreciation program ... which makes it more attractive," Horrigan said. "Investors are very interested in that with the prices of installs coming down ... (and) the federal incentives there as well as state incentives for renewable development, it makes these solar projects viable.
"We can then take advantage of negotiating a rate that is beneficial to our customers and control those cost increases," he said. "We provide a revenue stream and our customers benefit and China Outdoor Offers are able to get their projects financed and get them developed."Horrigan added that "there is a whole area of environmental benefit," in terms of saving energy and accomplishing global warming-related initiatives. Horrigan said the way it works with large-scale solar installations is TMLP signs a 20- to 25- year contract with the business that owns the solar farm. Horrigan said it's also important to foster more solar energy because it can help ease strain on the power grid during peak summer hours.In addition to the large-scale solar projects that have sprouted up, there are many smaller commercial solar projects and residential solar fixtures that the TMLP has partnered with.The TMLP currently has 23 residential solar net metering projects in place, along with 10 small commercial systems, said Bill Strojny, an administrator for the utility company. The solar projects allow homes and businesses to be powered through solar energy, with any extra solar energy that is collected sold back to the TMLP.

