
Programs Are Important For Australia?

  The use of renewable sources of energies such as solar energy, wind energy and technologically advanced mechanisms, provides an effective method to reduce emissions. Australia is one of the continents highly vulnerable to climatic changes. The entire impact of climate change on Australia will affect the environment, communities and economy of the continent. In the Stern report , it was found that Australia which has one of the highest per capita emission of GHG gases is most vulnerable to climatic changes, which will have severe impact on the agricultural sectors and also affect the coastal regions. The overall impact of global warming on Australia is expected to be, mainly, due to its extensive arid area , which is susceptible to rainfall changes. The region currently faces the water supply pressure and high risk of fire in the forest area , which has the potential to bring in huge changes in the temperature and overall climate of the region. The population of Australia is mostly concentrated around the coastal regions and it is significant for its tourism sector.However, increased temperature will bring in changes, which can result in adoption and mitigation. The increase in temperature in the region will result in Increased wind speeds where the tropical cyclone will be intensified by more in 5 to 10%.The tropical cyclones will increase by more than 20 to 30%.If no steps are taken to reduce emission the strong tides in the continent will increase by at least 12 to 16% along the eastern coast of Victoria.The forest danger index will also increase by 10%. There have been a number of issues which cause direct and indirect problems in regions such as sudden changes in the ecosystem and the collapse of coral reef. These coastal regions of Australia are a major source of revenue as the natural surroundings has been crucial for tourists. The existence of coral reef in the region is highly dependent on temperature changes and in case of temperature change; the coral reefs may get stressed, bleached or even eradiated. The ecosystem in this part of the earth may suffer seriously due to these changes.
   The evidences show if the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is not reduced the whole region of the Greenland Ice sheet will be destabilised and it may melt raising the sea level. It will also change the global ocean circulation and a rise in temperature will also affect the whole thermohaline circulation. Effective steps are needed to reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the environment, which can prevent deterioration of global climate and it will also prevent the loss of biodiversity. Australian government initiated the clean development mechanism to achieve the desired change in temperature and to reduce the per capita emissions of carbon dioxide. The Carbon Farming Initiative, the introduction of carbon tax and the carbon price for carbon credit generation and for reduction in carbon emissions, are some schemes, which have been designed by the government to reduce emission of harmful gases and achieve the target reduction by 2050.

