
Eggleston said hiring a community development

Township manager Ryan Eggleston presented the draft budget in detail at a public hearing Nov. 13. It is a balanced budget with revenues and expenditures standing at $9.096 million. The proposed millage rate of 3.48 will also remain the same. Commissioners voted to authorize the advertisement for the adoption of the budget at its December voting meeting.Eggleston is not including a separate garbage fee in the budget for the coming year.The proposed budget includes a few changes for 2014, including the addition of a public works superintendent. Eggleston said the township currently employs a public works director and two foremen. He is proposing that one of the foremen's titles be changed to superintendent and that one will remain a foreman.A part-time community development director is also included in the figures, with a proposed salary of $19,000 per year. Eggleston said hiring a community development director would be a "smart move" for the township as South Fayette "tries to increase the things we're doing from a development standpoint."

An additional $5,000 is proposed for community development expenses.A $640,000 capital budget was also presented at the meeting. Eggleston said when the budget process began, he went to each department head and asked them for "reasonable requests." He said the original request from all of the departments combined was nearly $2 million.In recent years, the awards media has caught on to the relationship between the categories of Best Film Editing and Best Picture. Even films like "Argo" and "Crash," which did not win the Best Director Oscar, picked up the trophy for Best Film Editing. Every year, the vast majority of nominees in this category are also cited in the top category.The didn't used to be the case. Long gone, it seems, are the days when films like "Speed" or "Se7en" or "Air Force One" could consistently make an appearance, though we do get a "Blood Diamond" or "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" surprise every now and then these days. With that in mind, it tends to be a fairly predictable "type of film" that manages to score here in the absence of a Best Picture nomination. Most obviously, films that have a significant amount of action and suspense tend to do quite well.

