
Directional LED lights help transform San Francisco's Bay Bridge

The Bay Bridge in San Francisco has been outfitted with $18 million worth of LED lights, but it's not necessarily the type of bulbs that makes it such an interesting project. Wired has delved into the creation of the new lighting set-up, and found that it's how the lights can be used that's so impressive, making it possible to direct light exactly where you need it without having it reach areas you don't.Every LED is pointing to a different place, it has a differently directed visor, and a different lens," says CalTrans engineer Bill Shedd. The project was built by sports lighting company Musco — who also built the lighting set-up for Yankee Stadium in New York — and not only looks great and is functional, but is also designed to last a long time, with a projected 20 year lifespan. Be sure to check out the source link below to learn more about its creation."If an astronaut is wakened up out of sleep and there has to be a spacewalk for emergency purposes, you want that astronaut at their peak alertness," explained Brainard in the interview.
A pretty significant flaw in the work initially was that astronauts cannot work in an environment with colored lights, as they need to distinguish colors when working on the space station — cutting the white wire instead of the blue could prove disastrous when repairing the electrics. The compromise is that the all the lights fall under the white spectrum, with different subtle tones — when the astronauts wake, the light will turn brighter with cool blue tones and in the evening, warmer with heavier red tones.The lamps need to undergo further testing to ensure they are robust enough to withstand space travel, but otherwise the team at NASA and the collaborators at the National Space Biomedical Research Institute and Boeing are ready to move forward with the plan.
LED spot light can be placed on the upper part of the furniture or around the ceiling, and it can also be arranged in the inner wall, dado or skirting line. Light is directly irradiated on the object which needs to emphasize, so as to highlight the subjective aesthetic effect, to give an emphasis, to build a unique environment with the rich hierarchies and colorful atmosphere and to present the colorful artistic effect. With the soft and elegant lights, LED spot light can not only play a leading role on the overall lighting but also can select light locally and foil atmosphere.

