
Solar farm plan to mix sheep and electric cells

A DONCASTER village is being targeted for a £10 million solar power generation scheme.TGC Renewables is drawing up plans which would use around 50 acres next to Tudworth Road, Hatfield, to develop a solar farm made up of dozens of photo-voltaic cells which turn the suns light into electricity.The site the company is investigating is three fields of agricultural land. The intention is for it to be dual use - solar farm and potentially sheep grazing.
The firm has yet to apply for planning permission for the project but says the project has the potential to produce up to nine megawatts of energy - enough to power around 2,000 homes.Spokeswoman Justine Hackney said: "The solar farm would be ground-mounted and south-facing with 5m gaps between the rows. Obviously, what can be seen depends on where a person is standing in relation to it. If the project did progress into planning, we would produce visualisations as part of a broader community consultation."We think it is a great opportunity for the area to be part of the UK’s renewable energy generation efforts.
"Solar farms offer clean, safe and Best Custom Solar Light. Their environmental impact is minimal - they are silent, non-polluting and, installed at ground level, have limited visibility. The land they utilise is returned to original state at the end of the project life which is between 25 to 40 years."They are far safer than other conventional energies, some of which have already demonstrated their capacity for long-term damage on a catastrophic scale. Any energy produced in the UK also offers security of supply and supports the UK economy, providing local business and employment opportunities."
It would generate power during daylight hours with or without direct sunlight. The construction process usually takes about three months, subject to planning consent.It is the second solar farm plan to emerge in Doncaster this month, following proposals for a 100 acre scheme at the former Askern Colliery site, on Norton Common Lane, which is out for consultation.The solar consignments will be delivered to them this week following the shipment of these Best Custom Outdoor systems to the province yesterday.The 28 solar consignment included panels ranging from 10watts to 20 watts with their batteries, panels, connections and bulbs.The assistance came under the Western provincial government livelihood fund project which was made possible by the provincial ward member to assist the villagers improve their lives.In the past the villagers depended much on kerosene which is very expensive to buy in order to light up their homes during the night.

