
which in some cases results in a referral

 "The individual's needs and situation can be discussed with a mental health professional and an appropriate plan put in place, which in some cases results in a referral to an appropriate community-based service."Tairawhiti DHB (East Coast) was the only other DHB to have no serious adverse events for the period. Waitemata DHB had the most with 27, followed by Canterbury with 24. "I am very pleased and enthused by the improvements this acquisition provides for Wegener Corporation and its shareholders," stated Troy Woodbury, President and CEO of Wegener Corporation. "This acquisition will provide long term financial stability for Wegener and is providing a near term source of working capital. There are real synergies with the company acquiring Wegener and with another company currently under negotiations to be added to the group."We are working on some major projects in Latin America and we believe we will make real progress in the domestic digital signage market during fiscal 2014.
   We are in the process of coming through a very difficult financial period for Wegener and we are encouraged by the opportunities in the future. This acquisition of Wegener should give renewed confidence to our customers, shareholders, employees, and our creditors. After shareholder approval is received, it is anticipated this acquisition will be completed in or before the first calendar quarter of 2014." Bitcoin has gotten all sorts of attention this year, both from the media and regulators. For investors, however, it has often proven difficult to purchase meaningful amounts of the crypto-currency, let alone to safely store it. SecondMarket is planning to offer a solution, beginning Thursday morning.The New York-based firm is launching the first U.S.-based investment vehicle dedicated exclusively to Bitcoin, called The Bitcoin Investment Trust. It's structured as an open-ended private trust whose shares only will be available to accredited investors via the SecondMarket platform. SecondMarket is seeding the trust with a $2 million investment, and also has named Jon Matonis (executive director of The Bitcoin Foundation) and Archibald Cox Jr. to the trust's advisory board.

