
But a lot of male programmers increasingly say that that they feel it

Being a software programmer is one of the best jobs these days for your pocketbook and your job security, but it can be incredibly bad for your mental health.Two things are going on that are literally driving programmers crazy.One is something known as the "imposter syndrome." That's when you're pretty sure that all the other coders you work with are smarter, more talented and more skilled than you are. You live in fear that people will discover that you are really faking your smarts or skills or a plishments.Women programmers frequently confess to suffering from imposter syndrome, and that's not surprising. The syndrome was actually first documented by psychologists Dr. Pauline Rose Clance and Dr. Suzanne Imes as a particular issue for successful women. It's also the subject of a number of self-help books geared toward women.

But a lot of male programmers increasingly say that that they feel it, too.These people tend to apply extremely high standards to themselves and not to others.Nissan Consult-III Imposter syndrome is  mon in professions where the work is peer reviewed. Writing software is just such a field, particularly open-source software where anyone can look at the code and change it.The trap of imposter's syndrome is that programmers think they need to work harder to b e good enough. That means spending more time coding every waking minute and taking on an increasing number of projects.That feeling is called the "Real Programmer" syndrome as named by a post that went crazy on Reddit last week.  The Real Programmer lives only to code. Redditor big_al11 explains:

A Real Programmer is someone who loves programming! They love it so much that it's what they spend all their time doing.the Real Programmer doesn't really consider it "work".a programmer isn't a Real Programmer when they don't volunteer to work 60 to 80 hour weeks for no extra monetary pensation, remember because it's "fun".It permeates the industry's culture.If you want to succeed as a programmer you have to at least look like a Real Programmer .... So you get people working evenings and weekends just for appearances and they start to burnout.Nisscan Consult4 That programmers are expected to work insanely long hours isn't new. But this idea that they are doing it of their own accord, for the sheer joy of it, is new.

