
Construction And Usage of Bacteriological

  If we discuss generally about incubators, incubators are devices that are used to cultivate and maintain microbiological cultures or cell cultures. Temperature and humidity conditions inside the incubators are retained and controlled, and besides these conditions, other factors such as carbon dioxide and oxygen content of the atmosphere are also synchronized. Incubators are fundamental for a lot of experimental work in biology cell, molecular biology and microbiology and are also used to culture bacterial and eukaryotic cells. Incubators are used in poultry industry, as a substitute for hens which results in a higher hatch rate. Moreover, incubators are used for keeping pre-mature babies as the environment in which we live is not suitable for them, so the temperature conditions should be similar to that of the mother of the womb. Laboratory incubators are used by the doctors to determine bacterial infection in human body. Apart from these, lab incubators are even used for tissue culture and tissue culture is basically considered as the growth of tissues or cells which are separated from the organism.
   The sample is placed inside the incubator and the temperature is regulated and maintained as per the requirements of the sample. By monitoring the fragmentation of tissues, scientists determine the operation of cells. Laboratory incubators are usually made of three things. These consists of thick stainless steel sheet of SS-304 grade, insulation materials like fans, motors, nuts, and glass wool that ensures the highest thermal energy.Bacteriological incubators are double walled convection heated units, generally have a long life and are low on maintenance. These equipments are energy efficient and are versatile when it comes to their usage. Indirect heating is even provided in these units, which comprises of air heaters that are made of high grade kanthal wire A-1 wires of suitable wattage. The warm air is equally disseminated throughout the chamber with the help of motor fans that ensures very good temperature sensitivity. If we discuss about B.O.D incubators, these types of incubators are extensively used for day to day bacteriological and bio- chemical oxygen demand determination tests which is used in various laboratory applications.

