
Shareholders want to see these statements

he last thing you need is for the item to turn up late and to a lesser standard than you need. In the long run this ends up costing more. The number of times this has happened is extremely high and can be avoided by going local.Sheet metal manufacturing is a highly skilled enterprise, which is why you want to find a company that has been doing it for a number of years. You want to be sure that they have a diverse skill set that they can bring to the job and you need to know that they have all the systems in place to ensure that delivery happens when you need it.As with offshore, often there are cheaper companies that pop up every so often, offering lower prices. The reality though is that these fly by nighters will not last because their quality is low and their output is slow. Go with a reliable and well known company, a company with years on the clock.For any business an income statement and a balance sheet are a must for multiple purposes.

 These statements show all the interested parties how the business has performed over a period of time. Shareholders want to see these statements because they want to know how much dividend they stand to earn. Creditors want to see these statements because they want to be sure that the money that they have lent has gone to a proper enterprise. Investors want to see these statements because they want to ensure that they are going to get good returns on their investments.The other name for the income statement is Profit

