
Codemasters's Anna Ljungberg discusses the key skills needed for her role in programming

Obviously, learn to program and how games work. Then you need to show that you can do it for a living, which is where qualifications and experience helps. One option is to demonstrate your abilities by writing something in your spare time to show how interested and committed you are to making games.Usually you need an undergraduate degree in a games-related course or similar, like Computer Science or Mathematics. I graduated with a degree in Games AI. Industry experience is not required, but you will have to demonstrate your abilities in other ways, such as your own demos and other things you have been involved in.

Passion and the ability to make games. You need to be both enthusiastic about making games and have the knowledge to make one, as well as a willingness to learn, a curiosity of how things work and how they can be made better. Personal projects can be key. If you love making games this should be very easy for you.What opportunities are there for career progression?As a programmer you can specialise in a particular area Launch iCard and become the expert in that field. You can also branch out into management by becoming a line manager and work your way up to a technical director-type role.The most important thing to me is to feel happy and motivated with what I do every day, as well as something that gives me an opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge.

Being a games programmer definitely gives me all that, as I really enjoy what I do and the end product of my work. I also have the opportunity to further my knowledge in many fields and experience new challenges every day.'The industry makes an effort to reduce the model and, in a way, simplify things,' she said of fashion. 'They wouldn't talk about my education, they wouldn't talk about me…in a way I understand.'But Ms Scott did integrate her two careers in creating iPort CodeReader 8– an app that allows models to upload their 'book,' or portfolio onto an iPad.'I built that app because it was something I personally needed,' she told the site of iPort. 'My book always ends up looking terrible, the books fall apart, the pages are tearing, it's dirty, and it's a mess.''I'd say she's like Gisele Bundchen mixed with Bill Gates'

