
She was permitted to attend his funeral

"What you inhale is the steam, and what you can put in the liquid is anything dissolvable, like nicotine. So the nicotine is in there for prior smokers and can be adjusted to whatever strength your former cigarette was," added Tom Dunn, owner of Snake River Vapor.Lawmakers in Idaho have banned the selling and offering of electronic cigarettes to minors. But this hasn't stopped the trend from gaining attention from young people around the country."The younger crowd realizes they don't want to get into smoking, it's harmful, there is a lot of evidence, there is enough push and public pressure put on cigarettes, so they say okay I don't want to get into that. It's harmful or it's dirty. So they try it," Dunn pointed out."It caters from people 18 to 75, 80 years old. It's a very good alternative to smoking," Leavitt added."I do see this replacing the traditional analog cigarettes the US Army used to give the Army when they went to war. This is a life altering change that's not going away. It's not a fad. It's not a short lived thing. It is a way of life and it's here to stay," Longben said.

She was permitted to attend his funeral. She wore a khaki prison suit and was escorted by a female officer from the Connecticut Department of Corrections."It was horrible. It was horrible. My son had just lost his father," said Nancy Bassett, who is now the respected co-coordinator at Kingdom Recovery Center on Summer Street in St. Johnsbury. "I thought I was going to come home [from prison] and be with my husband who I had been with for 30 years, but I lost the love of my life."Nancy Bassett got clean in Danbury and stayed clean. She since dedicated her life to helping others achieve the same at the recovery center, which is the childhood home of Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith, aka Dr. Bob.Despite sobriety and good work, Nancy Bassett is still haunted by her husband's overdose."I will always feel guilty because I wasn't there," she said. "If I had been there. If I had Narcan. Maybe I could have revived him."She recounted the experience this week from her tiny office at the recovery center upon news that Narcan, an overdose antidote long administered by doctors and EMTs, is going mainstream.

